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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Holy mother of God...

... and in front of her is my daughter. I thought she was dressed as the lamb of God, but as it transpires, that's just her normal winter attire. She was required to wear it for her Year 1 assembly this morning, not because the school's heating had broken down, but because it's the perfect attire for an ice dance...

That video was taken by someone with a very loose grasp of aspect ratio. And a very tight grip on their iPhone.

Anyhoo, today is Thanksgiving, and despite not being present for Amelie's assembly, I'm thankful that I have the best family ever in the world...

And I'm not the only one who thinks so. Love ya, Gardners. xxx


Phil's Mum said...

VERY good videoing, I think! And excellent performing, Am. Love you all!

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