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Thursday, August 21, 2014

One day, son, all this will be yours...

But until the day you inherit my window cleaning round, there's always the male pattern baldness...

... and the look of a killer, obviously...

I've also been informed that I bear an uncanny similarity to these chaps...

Although my teeth have never been that good.

Anyhoo, at the risk of pointing out the obvious...

... I took Toby down to the marina before work yesterday, in an effort to soak up some rays and unwind with some serious sunburn. I wanted to look less like a hitman, and more like Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately, having managed to maintain a reduction in my facial numbness since Saturday, I think I did too much yakking yesterday afternoon, and have been slightly worse ever since. So I need to have a quieter day today.

Fortunately, I only need to work the afternoon. Unfortunately, Amelie's got a friend coming round at eleven. So I think I'll go in early...


Phil's Mum said...

You were well out of it this afternoon! (Home life, I mean)