Fortunately, as I recoiled from the fridge door, she told me it was leftover apple juice. I'm inclined to believe her, but not enough to drink it.
Anyhoo, Amelie's nappy days are clearly numbered, so as responsible parents, we've had a conversation this evening about what words we plan to use for our daughter's bodily functions. We've settled on 'wee' and 'poo'. I won't tell you what the other options were.
But while we celebrate the fact that Amelie is now our number one daughter in more ways than one, I've shot some further footage of her other new skill...
She'll be doing wheelies by the end of the week.
I certainly hope NOT!
That's WEElies, I expect you meant.
WEElies? There's only one Weeley - a village near Clacton.
Perhaps a little too much information there Phil?!
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