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Friday, October 01, 2010

It's a well known fact that the perfect place to spend your honeymoon is Brighton. So I went back to work this morning. And I'm glad I did, because I screened a minor celebrity this afternoon. So minor that I didn't realise who he was until he'd left. But it was exciting in hindsight.

Unfortunately I can see why people generally leave the country the day after their wedding: I'm so tired I can barely lift the sellotape to wrap Amelie's birthday presents. I've also just discovered that the bike we've bought her requires detailed assembly with a screwdriver, spanner and hammer. And the instructions appear to have been translated into English by the illiterate brother of Chaucer. So I could be up half the night.

So in lieu of a detailed account of our wedding day, here's a video of the first dance...

We hadn't even gone in at that point. But when we did, that's the song we walked in to. We thought Rice was appropriate for a wedding.

And talking of appropriate behaviour...

That look from Lisa says it all.


Lisa said...

I'm glad Amelie didn't forget her flower.

Dave said...

Many happy returns Amelie.  I can't find her page on Facebook to send best wishes personally.

Dave said...

Many happy returns Amelie.  I can't find her page on Facebook to send best wishes personally.

Jonney Grice said...

Congratulations Phil and Lisa,a very good blog.

Phil said...

Thanks Jonney!  8-)