But sadly that's a luxury I can't afford. I was up at six-thirty yesterday morning and donning the steel-capped boots for phase 2 of Operation Clearout. The new wardrobe I'd ordered arrived on Thursday in two giant flat-packs, neither of which I could lift. They were numbered '1' and '2', and the men who delivered them told Lisa that it was important they were opened and assembled in the correct order. So I opened box number one first, laid out all the pieces, read the instructions... and discovered that the first piece I needed was in box number two.
Fortunately I had enough space to open that one as well. In fact, before cracking open the flat-packs, I'd virtually cleared the children's bedroom...

That took me from 7am until 8am. Basically, the moment Amelie was out of bed, I had it up on its end, and was dragging Toby's cot through the door and into the living room. The place wasn't quite as empty as this, but it was as close as it's ever been. Unfortunately, the corner where I planned to put the wardrobe was a bit more difficult to clear...

... occupied, as it was, by the cat-faced girl from 'The Ring' wearing a pair of ballet shoes. Amelie's reaction when she walked in was to exclaim "Wow, it's all blank!", although the fact that she'd had to clamber over a chair, two guitar cases and a cot just to get in there, should have given her a clue as to what to expect.
Anyhoo, I started putting the wardrobe together at 8am, and having worked my way through two DVDs and three mugs of tea, I finally emerged at 1pm with this...

Not only is it the gateway to Narnia, but it's the solution to all our problems. By the time I've filled it with Amelie's few remaining toys, and Toby's growing collection of clothes, we'll have the clutter-free show-home I've always dreamt of.
That's if Amelie will let me. I attempted to put her plastic Pet Hospital in there this morning, at which point she told me not to, because she doesn't play with it any more. I replied that in that case, we can get rid of it. To which she responded "No, because I like to see it there in the living room". Apparently it's purely decorative, but still indispensable.
Until the next time she goes to my parents...
She COULD bring the plastic pet hospital with her and admire it here (until I promote it to the loft). As for you, I think you could make a fortune taking on a 2nd job, being one of those people who put together other people's flat packed furniture. Very well done!
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