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Monday, November 01, 2004

NaNoWriMo Day: 1
Words Written: 1,845
Words Remaining:

The novel's underway, and but far more important than that is the news that I'm up to 13 out of 15 Christmas presents, following my discovery of a shop called 'Kissing Frogs' in Brighton town centre. Obviously I should've been at home writing, but I saw the chance to buy some more yuletide tat, and I seized it with both hands (the opportunity, not the tat. Well actually I seized the tat as well).

I've also greased Oscar's extremities for the last time, as Lorraine returns home from her jaunt around the world's hurricane zones tomorrow morning. Which means Lisa and I have but a few hours to make the house look as though we've been taking care of it for the last ten days. I also have to find a way of fitting all my Christmas presents in the car whilst managing to leave room for Lisa. Though frankly if it comes down to a choice between the plastic novelty pap and the girlfriend, Lisa will be getting the bus to work.

I'd better get packing - we leave in 12 hours, and there's still a packet of teacakes in the kitchen. Lorraine and I may have become quite close over the past few weeks, but I'm not leaving those behind.