Those decorations actually cover two different flats, which is interesting because it means there's more than one person in this world who thought that was a good idea. As Lisa's just said to me, "It's like we're living next door to the Griswolds".
Sniggers With Attitude
You've got a lot to compete with!
That's clever, Phil's Mum. You posted your comment before Phil wrote his blog!
Oh dear, so have I!
That mother son bond can be strong.
Not so tricky to track you down now Monsieur Phil. Now all I need is a sleigh ride to Brighton, or somewhere near there... and some sunglasses, and the Pound Shop present is at your and Lisa's and Amelie's door. Give me until 2012...
The novel word counter on my display isnt updating much. How many days left...?
Don't ask.
I'm thinking of carrying on into December, on the grounds that I can only write during daylight hours, due to the incessant flashing of Santa's sleigh.
Advent doesn't start until Sunday, so you are legally entitled to shoot the lights out.
I think your neighbour's flat looks lovely! I hope you and Lisa step up and join in the community spirit!
(looks like our living room....)
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