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Thursday, July 06, 2006

I had to make two phone calls yesterday, one to cancel my old internet connection, the other to cancel my phone. The first took me to an Indian call centre where I spoke to a man from Mumbai, the second to a British call centre answered by a chap from Newcastle. Guess which one I struggled to understand.

And talking of people I don't understand, I had an e-mail this afternoon through my website from someone called Steve (hi Steve). He says...

"im a big fun [I think he means fan] of Julie Reinger, so can you please send me her email address so that i can contact her if possible.Im a single blackguy aged 33 from southend on sea Essex & i always switch on to BBC WEATHER report everyday so that i could see her. Hope to meet her live since its always my dream to meet this beautiful lady.Thanks"

Clearly Steve needs help. And unfortunately I can't provide it. So if anyone else has Julie Reinger's e-mail address, do let me know and I'll pass it on. I'm sure she'd love to meet him.

Man in the MirrorAnyhoo, despite the fact that Lisa hasn't yet managed to stay the night, I went out today and bought her this dressing table (ignore the idiot in the mirror). And what's more, I managed to get it into my flat without the need for power tools or wood glue. In common with my sofa, it came from the Martlet's Hospice Furniture Warehouse, meaning that its previous owner is probably dying from a hideous disease (possibly Dutch Elm) as we speak. But hey, for twenty quid you can't complain.

Most interesting though is that it's made by Harris Lebus, who according to this article, made bi-planes in the first world war, Mosquitoes in the second, and secretly manufactured wooden Sherman tanks for Lord Beaverbrook. Although a couple of days with Lisa's hairdryer and it'll probably fall apart.