But that aside, the birthday party of Nephew Number Two went very well. He seemed particularly pleased with the jigsaw puzzle Lisa and I had bought him, which was good news as we had no idea what it was until he opened it. He also picked up well on my overwhelming generosity, by assuming that all the presents his parents had given him were from me as well. I didn't bother to correct him. It's about time I met someone with a high opinion of me.
Anyhoo, a quick game of Sally Sunflower, in which we randomly chucked bees across the room without reading the rules, and a manic dance to 'Monster' by The Automatic, and Lisa and I headed off to McDonalds for a Rolo milkshake. Which I nobly refused to share on account of the fact that I had cauliflower waiting for me when I got home. Roll on Sunday.
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