Naturally I felt a bit like death warmed up this morning, but like the
Tickets went on sale this morning for a concert which is due to take place in December. I can't reveal any details here for legal reasons (and because I want to wind Lisa up for the rest of the year), but suffice it to say it's the perfect Christmas gift: it's overpriced, won't last long, and is probably not what she wanted. I also need to make sure I don't get her pregnant this month, or we might not be able to go.
Now that I've finished my Christmas shopping, I've got a bit more time to spend socialising on the computer, and I have to say I'm constantly amazed by the people who are on Facebook these days...

To be honest though, the girl does have a lot to smile about. For a start, we've just discovered she's a genius. No, really. Lisa was reading The Contented Toddler Years (which is an oxymoron if ever I've heard one) on Wednesday evening, and it said that by the age of eighteen months, the average child should have a vocabulary of between twenty and forty words.
Amelie turns 18 months on Good Friday, so I spent yesterday jotting down every word she says, and here's the result:

That's forty-four. And I taught her to say 'donkey' this morning. Admittedly I'm not sure 'DS' is a word, but she can also say 'Wii'. Usually when going downhill in her buggy. In addition, she often shouts "Gone!" when she finishes a meal, but I forgot to put that on the list. So all in all, she's pushing fifty. I might have to teach her to say 'prodigy'.
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