I'd just like to point out for the record that I'm not dead. I'm just busy. The internet was one of the first things unpacked at the new flat, but despite having the ability to publish blog posts wirelessly from any room in the flat (and probably next door too), I haven't had time to sit down for more than five minutes. Apart from the
ten minutes I spent scrolling through all the channels on our new Virgin Media HD box, and wondering why I
still couldn't find anything worth watching.

I also turned 37 on Thursday, although my birthday has been officially postponed until such a time as I'm not up to my ears in dust and junk. Which means I may never celebrate one again. The good news is that having given me the card on the left, Amelie can now say
"Cheeky Monkey!" at will. It's like she's announcing her arrival everywhere she goes.
Anyhoo, I'm typing this at the old flat amongst a sea of dismantled furniture and half-packed boxes, whilst looking at the damp patch on the wall and wondering if I should put the bookcase back in front of it before the estate agent comes round tomorrow. The chances of us having everything out of here by nightfall on Monday are slightly less than zero, but you have to show willing...
I'm back from holiday. You can start blogging again. I didn't send a birthday card, as there are no ppostboxes in Cornwall.
Do they all have a stammer in Cornwall?
Pictures on Rightmove show your old flat is selling complete with Persian cat. I didn't know you were trying to get rid of her.
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