It's a chimp off the old block. And it just goes to show, when the gift shops Lacock it up, Phil Devizes a solution.
Anyhoo, the rise of the dancing monkey is obviously the biggest feelgood news story of the day, but as it happens, there's another one too. Yes, after six weeks of toothless torment, Lisa finally got her temporary teeth this morning, and the nightmare which started back in mid July is now officially in respite.
On the left is Lisa pictured on August 22nd last year, two days after having her brace removed. And on the right is her this evening...

I'm not allowed to publish any photos from the past six weeks for legal reasons. Namely that I can't afford a divorce. But take it from me, there's no comparison. She looks instantly back to normal.
On the downside, Lisa's remaining front tooth (on the right, as you look) was also damaged in the accident, and the dentist is sounding increasingly pessimistic about its survival. It appears that it may be 'dying', getting gradually more discoloured, and may ultimately have to come out. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, I feel like I've got my wife back.
Just to put the record straight - SEVEN weeks of torment! Congratulations, Lisa, on surviving your imprisonment and still coming out smiling.
Six, seven, whatever. I think I was confused by Amelie singing Happy Birthday yesterday. I thought it was last week.
Good to see Lisa 'al dente' again. Lets hope there is a little bit of good luck just round the corner.
The monkey vid is brilliant. I really love the bit at 0.39, thats fantastic
And I hope that Lisa will be able to start getting her life back.
I echo the last comment
Aww thanks all :-D
THANKS??? They're pointing out my mistakes and taking the monkey - I mean mickey - out of my art film. Next they'll be accusing me of losing my daughter in Asda. It's an outrage!
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