Having been eyed suspiciously at the door by another parent, who refused to enter the code while I was standing there, I eventually made it into the pre-school room, where Amelie was busy amassing a collection of plastic farm animals on the mat. She was quite engrossed in a bit of cow/horse cross-species husbandry, but having clocked me by the door, she quickly stood up, trotted over, and said "Daddy! I've missed you so much!".
The moment I heard that collective "Aaaaaahhhh..." from the nearby members of staff, I knew I had it made. She's done wonders for my reputation.
So as a reward for all her PR work, I decided to visit an exclusive boutique today to get Amelie a present. Yes, that's right, I've been to the St Catherine's Hospice shop in Crawley. Obviously I help people all over the Weald with my purchases from hospice shops, but it's important that my charity work doesn't begin and end with marriage guidance. So in an effort to support those poor souls unlucky enough to end their days in Crawley, I bought Amelie an electric guitar for £3...
She's definitely got a Stevie Wonder head-sway going on at the end there. Give it a couple of years, and we'll have her blacking up for 'Stars in Their Eyes'.
I am now so pleased I didnt send the £1 electric guitar Christmas present I'd bought from the charity shop along with your card. Amelie would have missed those glasses and mic. Was on the right lines though, it seems. It would have staved off the boredom and you could have strung it out for a while (etc etc).
When you said you'd play, I was expecting the megametalguitar of doom to make an appearance. But it was an acoustic. Like Amon Amarth acapella.
Incy wincy spiders from mars will be all over the web before you know it...
Another brilliant double act! When is Lisa going to join in with the recorder?
If you marry my sister, I could probably throw in the Goth guitar for free.
WOW! This family has such a range of talent..
None more talented than my sister. Are you interested?
Yes take her please. And may I have the free guitar she comes with, because you won't want two highly strung beauties in your life :-)
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