I'm not sure I've ever been inside without buying something, and yesterday was no exception. I picked this up for a song...

Obviously there's very little a book like that can teach me, but I thought I'd buy it for Lisa, so she can see where she's been going wrong. Especially after she had the nerve to give me a 'D' in the Relate Heart-to-Heart test.
It's written by Dr Steven Simring and his ball & chain (I bet their relationship's simring hot), who are apparently "America's foremost husband-and-wife marriage-counseling team", so with a bit of luck, it should help us make it to our second anniversary. Although if not, there's a chapter on remarriage.
In addition to 'Making Marriage Work for Dummies' (which is much harder than for normal people), the Hospice in the Weald also had a copy of 'Rekindling Romance for Dummies'. I flicked through it, but decided against buying that one. It seemed to be all about taking your wife away for weekends, and frankly I'm too knackered. So I stuck with the book above.
Interestingly, however, having arrived home with my purchase, given it to Lisa, and narrowly avoided being hit around the head with it, I noticed a piece of paper stuck between the pages. It turned out to be the Amazon receipt for both books, dated 18th November 2002. The addresses at the top appeared to explain the reason for purchase...

It can't be easy making your marriage work when one of you is living in Japan.
As it transpired, however, that wasn't the case at all. Reading further down, I found a personal message from the buyer...

So John came across two books about saving your marriage, and decided to give them to Malc and Joelle for Christmas. It makes Madge seem positively friendly.
Fortunately, the world is a wonderful place. One day, you're buying a marriage guidance book in Crowborough; the next day, you're entering a stranger's name into Google. It turns out that John has a website. I might e-mail him and ask him what he was thinking.
I'd like to email John to ask him what his job is. He seems to get around nearly as much as Big Sis. They might get on well together. Actually, he's probably reading all this by now and will turn up with a comment.
!!! Those are post Facebook exclamation marks. What is it about you and your mum and Big Sis? Have you got a book running on this? A game for all the family.
Very interesting for him to send a couple those books. I reckon John had an aim in mind. He knew what you probably now now about having books like that in the house...
But did he leave the Amazon slips in the books? Crass. Reckon he will still be single.
Mum, you e-mail John, I'll keep on at BS6, and between us we'll get Sis married off by Christmas. With hindsight, I should have got the Rekindling Romance book. It could have come in handy...
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