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Sunday, January 01, 2012

There's no better way to start the new year than with a vision of the Virgin Mary...

The Virgin MaryOr failing that, Amelie in a towel. She's not so much a vision as a sight.

But the good news is that as of two hours ago, the three of us have managed to get some clothes on and return safely through the flooded countryside of Sussex to our humble home in Brighton. And I'm pleased to say there are no police lines outside. Which is a marked improvement on last year.

2012 is set to be quite an exciting year for us. Assuming it lives up to the film. But sadly, despite doing no partying whatsoever, an afternoon spent packing up all of Amelie's Christmas presents has left me feeling drained and exhausted. By the time I'd loaded up the car with all her stuff, I felt like heading straight to the nearest car boot sale. Frankly she needs to get her own flat, fifteen years ahead of schedule, because I've no idea where we're putting it all.

We've had a very nice week though. We didn't make it far from the sofa, but it's all been very relaxing. I'm not back at work until Tuesday, but I'm already looking forward to my next week off at the end of February. I think we'll be choosing St Leonards for that holiday too.