Let's face it, you don't want to find yourself in a compromising position on a Sunday morning, just because someone forgot to write 'No Cats at the Art Table'...

She might look like she can't breathe, but in reality she's just answering the question 'How much do you regret coming to live here?' by holding her paws as wide apart as she can.
Interestingly, I discovered today that St Gertrude, the patron saint of cats, is also the patron saint of travellers in search of lodging (that's Shimmy) and Gardeners (that's us. If you put a holy cross through the 'e'). So with that in mind, Lisa went to church this morning to pray for our souls and beg forgiveness from old Gerty, before we're all struck down by a thunderbolt.
It left Amelie and me to get up to mischief on our own for a few hours, so we decided to try out her new felt-tip pens. I bought them last night from Asda (£1.45 - bargain), because whilst Amelie is very good at keeping all her felt-tip pens together in her flowery pencil case, she tends to keep the lids together somewhere else. Meaning that they tend not to work for very long.
So as Lisa disappeared into the shower this morning, I was busy chucking Amelie's old pens in the bin, and replacing them with twenty new ones. Having done so, I grabbed some paper, Amelie grabbed a cat (which contravenes rule number two), and the pair of us settled down to draw the characters from The Gruffalo.
First up was the fox...

I was quite pleased with that one. I think it's because Amelie only helped on one of its legs. Generally speaking, I find that my daughter's drawings are a lot better when she's not involved.
As we moved on to the owl, Lisa popped her head in to say goodbye, and took the photo of us above, before adding that we need to write some more Cat Rules. I told her that you can't interrupt great art, and she left.

Attractive hooters are few and far between, and I've certainly got my knockers, but you won't see a better looking bird than that.
As everyone knows, you follow owl ice cream with scrambled snake...

I think we suffered there from a lack of variety in the Asda colour range. I wanted a delicate jade, but when it came to it, I had a choice of either mustard yellow or grass green. Amelie did her best to distract the eye with some avant garde scribbling around the edges, but I'm still not a hundred per cent happy.
And as for the Gruffalo, the less said, the better...

It looks more like Shane MacGowan in a fur coat. I wasn't helped by the fact that Amelie got bored halfway through, decided I should draw the Zingzillas instead, and ran off with the book. I had to do most of it from memory. And I drew it too big. When you've got an A4-sized Gruffalo, and only one brown felt-tip pen, you soon get bored with the colouring-in, and wish you'd chosen the mouse.
But still, I've got four original artworks, and one satisfied daughter. Now, if I can just forge Axel Scheffler's signature...
Impressive work, Phil. And you're very good at colouring in too. I bet your mum is proud of you.
I AM quite proud, as I couldn't do anything like that myself! Very good, Phil, especially the Gruffallo
The Gruffalllo is hairy fantastic!
I'm loving this Grufallllo word game.
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