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Sunday, August 12, 2012

As a general rule, I find family life a lot easier to cope with if I replace Amelie with a cushion...

In that photo, however, Toby's more stuffed than his sister. I've never seen a baby eat so much. Well, not since Amelie was born. We were asked yesterday how often he feeds, which is a difficult question to answer. It's easier to say how often he stops. The answer being once or twice a day.

As it happens, we had an impromptu visit from two midwives yesterday. I'd like to think they just happened to be in the area, and decided to drop in unannounced for a quick cuddle of Brighton's bonniest baby, but in reality I think they were the labour ward's answer to Phil & Kirsty, doing some secret filming for the next series of Dislocation Dislocation Dislocation. Fortunately, despite being caught unawares by their visit, they failed to find me yanking Toby's arm out of its socket, and decided to check Lisa's perineum instead. Which is not the news you want to hear when you haven't had a shower that day. I think it was unpleasant for both parties.

With the medical checks over, we packed our bags for the seaside, and drove along the coast to St Leonards to join our daughter at the Gardner holiday home. We're a bit like a plague of locusts. We turn up, eat everything in sight, and then move on. We plan to stay with my parents until the food runs out. I've checked their fridge, and I'm estimating Tuesday.

Amelie and I were up bright and early (well, early) this morning for a visit to the nearest park. It being a beautiful sunny day, you'd naturally expect that Lisa, Toby and both my parents would be there too. Unfortunately...

But still, when you're the only motivated ones in a family of lazy people, you can always pose for some treasured father-daughter photos in the summer sunshine...

If you zoom in on my watch, it says 'EARLY'. The bags under my eyes say the same thing.

After a strong coffee back at my parents' house, we were soon joined by my brother, sister-in-law and niece, who'd driven down from Essex to meet Toby. It wasn't enough to get Amelie off the iPad...

... but it was very nice to see them. Although I don't think Toby noticed.