And I'm already seeing another woman. Namely Dawn, at whose crack I awoke this morning in order to prepare Lisa's vast array of priceless (some would say worthless) gifts of love. Here's just a small selection...

The photo on the right was taken by Amelie a couple of weeks ago, and features me and Lisa poking our tongues out in an attempt to set a good example for our children. I've put it inside a love-heart snow globe in the hope of obscuring our faces.
In addition to the gifts above, Amelie's bought Lisa a heart-shaped paperweight to stop all her nursery drawings blowing off the table and into the bin (which happens on a daily basis - I've no idea how), plus some chocolate coins to prove that money can't buy you love, but it can make you fat. I've also learnt from bitter experience that to leave Amelie out of any present-giving is the first step on the rocky road to heartbreak and misery (mostly for me and Lisa), so I've bought Amelie a gift too. She's getting a headband featuring purple hearts to commemorate the number of times she's been wounded in action. Mostly scooter-related.
Toby's not going to be left out either. He's getting a firm handshake, and the name of a good dentist. His first tooth has come through in the past few days, and he's liable to take your hand off if you go within six inches of his face. He's also started to ogle Chloe in a slightly concerning way. Every time she walks past, he starts poking his tongue out and getting a crazed look in his eyes. This was him last night, five seconds after Chloe jumped up on the sofa next to me...

He's got a look of Benny Hill about him. The moment he starts crawling, he'll be chasing her around the room at double speed.
Anyhoo, it's currently six-thirty and none of my family are awake yet (although some of them were in the night), but it's important to make an effort on Valentine's Day, and I'm pleased to say that both Lisa and I have managed to clear some space in our busy schedules to meet up for lunch today. Unfortunately we're not meeting each other. Lisa's got a table booked in Havana (which seems like a long way to go), and will be sharing some gourmet food and non-alcoholic cocktails with our good friend Lorraine, while I'm meeting the future mayor of Burgess Hill for a cheap lasagne. Probably with horse. And they say the art of romance is dead.
Now I feel guilty for buying the smallest card from a Funky Pigeon.
Here's something to keep love alive!!
Try this link:
Do you think Toby thinks Chloe is a horse? He does love his food.
You need to look at the cartoon for 14th Feb., which has the words "Roses are red..."etc
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