Naturally I can't practice everything on members of the public though (well, not without getting arrested), so when it came to taking photos, I was given the chance to snap a few shots of one of my colleagues. Operating the retinal screening camera is a bit like using the grabbing machine in an amusement arcade, only slightly more difficult, and with less chance of success. But having waggled the joystick, twiddled the knobs and pressed a few buttons, I eventually got the hang of it, and produced a set of photos to be proud of.
It was shortly after that that I found myself squirting tropicamide into the face of an old lady. Which is not something I thought I'd be doing when I got up this morning. At this rate I'll be carrying out surgery by the end of the week.
But anyhoo, having faced my fears and looked complete strangers in the eye all day, it's time for a bit of a break. So four days after our five year anniversary, Lisa's finally getting her gift. We're off to see the Manic Street Preachers at the Brighton Dome. Their new album's called 'Journal for Plague Lovers', which is appropriate as I've spent most of the day rubbing in alcohol hand gel to prevent the spread of infection.
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