That's Lisa's Christmas present. I've no idea where she's going to keep them.
Within half an hour of emerging triumphant in a knitting auction on Tuesday night, Lisa and I headed straight to the Brighton Dome for Lisa's surprise festive treat: a Squeeze concert. I booked the tickets in March, which is remarkable because it means that (a) I managed to keep it secret for nine months, and (b) I didn't forget to go. The latter is probably more surprising.
We last saw Squeeze in December 2007, and a lot's changed since then. For a start, we now need a babysitter. Luckily I booked that in March too. This time around, the support band were The Lightning Seeds, which was handy as Lisa loved them in the 90s, and I regularly hummed 'Three Lions' whilst watching the football. They turned out to be remarkably good, although it's a shame Amelie wasn't there, as they'd clearly designed their stage backdrop with her in mind...

That's what Amelie would call "Two oranges".
From where we were sitting, Ian Broudie looked a lot like David Baddiel, which I found slightly disturbing, but fortunately he sings a lot better, and I spent most of their set wondering why I'd never bought a Lightning Seeds album. Before realising I had no money in the 90s and couldn't afford one.

Other than that, the line-up was the same as last time, and if anything, performed even better. Admittedly they didn't play Lisa's favourite song ('Some Fantastic Place'), but I feel that's her own fault for preferring a song about death, rather than ones about betrayal, like any normal person. They played 'Tempted', so I went away happy.
In addition to that, Squeeze have made a bold attempt to move into the 21st century by introducing an elaborate boyband-style dance routine into their act...
Although at first glance it looks like five drunks dancing at a wedding. You've got to give them credit for trying though. It can't be easy at their age.
It will come as no surprise to learn that I have no idea who any of these people are.
Except Lisa of course.
I was trying to remember the last time i'd heard a live musician. Then I remembered. Sunday.
We saw Squeeze a couple of times in the late 1980's. Or was it the early 90's? Before our now 16-year-old daughter came along to put a stop to that sort of thing (us having a fun night out, that is). Anyway, it was probably the last concert we saw that wasn't preformed by a classroom full of children. The dancing is similar.
We saw Squeeze a couple of times in the late 1980's. Or was it the early 90's? Before our now 16-year-old daughter came along to put a stop to that sort of thing (us having a fun night out, that is). Anyway, it was probably the last concert we saw that wasn't preformed by a classroom full of children. The dancing is similar.
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