... but I promised Amelie I'd publish some of the photos she took in Blackpool. So here's one she captured of me at the Houndshill Shopping Centre (which is the dog's hillocks of indoor malls)...

I like that one. She's employed a clever use of angles to obscure my double chin. Unfortunately it's a different matter when I don't know she's shooting...

That's me looking for my shoes in the caravan. Lisa likes it, because she says it's the only photo which reveals my true nature. I think the word she used was 'menacing'. Apparently "it's all in the eyes", and makes her realise that she wouldn't want to meet me on a dark night. Unless I was offering to babysit.
Mind you, Lisa doesn't fare much better...

It's only the junk on the table which stops you seeing the menacing snarl on her face. We had to keep the curtains closed to stop her intimidating passers-by.
Moving back to the Houndshill (which is more K9 than K1), here's an arty shot of an indoor palm from Amelie's point of view...

She managed to cross that palm with silver by dropping the 10p I was letting her hold for the car park, but having retrieved it from the floor, she went on to take this fine portrait of womanhood...

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "Blimey, Lisa really should have spent those Next vouchers on herself", but fear not, that def leopard isn't her. It's a complete stranger that Amelie marched up to and photographed without asking. There's a fine line between paparazzo and ASBO, and I think she might have crossed it.
Well, I have to say she's still better at taking photos than I am!
I notice the last photo shows someone who is single. I trust Lisa got her name and address and gave her my photo.
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