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Monday, September 17, 2012

Everyone knows that God moves in mysterious ways. What's less well known is that his son has a funny walk too.

Lisa took Amelie to Sunday School yesterday in the hope of them performing some kind of exorcism, and when our child of God eventually emerged from the confessional booth, she came out clutching a sacred Christian artwork. She proudly informed Lisa that it was a picture of Jesus. And here it is...

Obviously if that was Mohammed, we'd all be dead now. But as religious cartoons go, I think it's got legs. Admittedly with nothing at the end of them.

Apparently those bushy things around the son of God are cacti. So it must be the time when he was tempted in the desert. Presumably tempted to hack off his own feet and do his hair like Hitler. Let's face it, when you've got long arms, four eyes, and your Dad's the boss, you can do pretty much anything you like.

On the downside, if Jesus is ever going to walk on water with no feet, he'll need a miracle, but clearly the gold-paved heavens (and green ozone layer) above are ready for Christ's ascension, and he's about to take off for home like E.T. in a spaceship. Which might explain why he looks like an alien.

Anyhoo, such attention to detail proves that Amelie's clearly something of a Biblical scholar, which is not surprising, as she's always got her nose in the scriptures...

She looks like she's studying God's word. In reality she's watching SpongeBob SquarePants.


Phil's Mum said...

Your daughter seems to have a 'thing' about cacti.  I have several pictures she has drawn of the prickly plants.  I'm not quite sure what a child psychologist would make of them.  But there again, what would they make of her portrayal of Jesus?

Phil said...

She does love a cactus, it's true. She told me the other week that she'd like to visit the Wild West, so I'm thinking of taking her to Worthing.

Incidentally, I was informed over coffee at the conference that your comments are the best thing about this blog, and the main reason certain people read it. Not that I want to encourage you...

Phil's Mum said...

That doesn't say a lot for the actual blog!!!