Lying in bed last night, during one of the regular intellectual and deeply philosophical conversations we have when we're half asleep and not thinking straight, I said to Lisa
"Do you think you could wake me from a coma?". Fortunately she replied
"Yes". Which is good to know, because she makes me sit through a lot of soaps, and I regularly come close to losing consciousness.
So feeling encouraged by this news, I immediately asked
"How would you do it?". Lisa thought for a moment, then replied
"Slap you across the face". Frankly that's her answer to everything. So when I wake up in a hospital bed to the sight of Lisa physically assaulting me, I must remember to thank her.
But violence aside, the good news is that after twenty-four hours away from our daughter, we've finally been reunited with Amelie...
And as that video shows, Lisa can put up with her for about thirty seconds before she's had enough.
We drove over to my parents' bungalow late last night, and arrived more than two and a half hours after Amelie's bedtime. So we only got to see her for ten minutes before she went to bed. I'm not saying her grandparents are spoiling her, but frankly the girl stays up later than I do.

A good night's sleep (and a lie-in while Grandma took charge of the childcare), and we were up and out again. Without Amelie. We actually spent the afternoon in Hastings, Lisa shopping for baby clothes, me scouring the charity shops for board books. I came back with a copy of 'Snuggle Puppy',
"a little love song" in book form, which is quite possibly the finest thing I've ever read. I've studied
the original song on YouTube, and after literally
minutes of ceaseless practice, I'm now able to sing the entire book from start to finish. I just need to convince Amelie to stay in the room while I do it.
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