"We have 10 minutes of badger!!"
I knew it was worth him sitting through those four hours of footage. I haven't seen the film for myself yet, so it's possible it's just a fat alley cat, but either way, I'll have it on YouTube by the end of the week.
In the meantime, I've continued in my quest to clear Sussex's charity shops of quality goods. I was working in Haywards Heath today, and in addition to seeing twenty-five patients, I saw these for £2 in the St Catherine's Hospice shop...

But that's not all. Oh no. I also did a lot of good work today for Oxfam. In there I found another brand new item (there's clearly a lot of unwanted gift-giving going on in Haywards Heath). It's a digital photo frame with a twist. The twist being that it's only one inch wide and on a keyring. I can store up to fifty-six digital photos on it, and carry it with me wherever I go. I'll be able to stand around in hospital waiting rooms, playing slideshows of Amelie to bored receptionists. Whether they like it or not.
It looks a little complicated to operate, but fortunately it comes with a comprehensive instruction manual. Unfortunately its author isn't what you'd call a native speaker of English...

I started struggling to work out what "aspect designing with thick reminiscence favor" might be, but then I turned the page and read this...

So it's obviously just me.
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