That was taken yesterday morning. So it was basically an ice cream Sunday. The second Brighton Marathon kicked off in Preston Park at 9am, so at eleven-thirty I took Amelie down to the seafront to watch the runners stumble past the 14 mile mark, and gurn through the railings at the finish line.

I was hoping to spot my two colleagues who were taking part, but one of them had already passed by the time I got there, and the other pulled out of the marathon shortly after I sponsored him to do it. I think he cracked under the pressure of my generous donation. Or maybe it wasn't worth running for ten quid.
This was Amelie's second marathon, and she was quite enthusiastic in her support of the participants, even insisting on running along the road with them and helping herself at the water station. But her enthusiasm dwindled somewhat when she looked into the distance and spotted the children's playground in Madeira Drive. So while Steve Cram was welcoming the competitors at the finish line, I was standing half a mile away at the bottom of a slide, telling my daughter it was time to go. I'd still be there now without a bit of bribery. I had to buy her that ice cream just to get her to come home.
Amelie did well to keep her dress clean on Saturday in order to be able to wear it for the marathon runners the next morning.
I know that playground well. I couldn't get her off the slide either.
Phil, you are sooo old school, Amelie never wanted to look at the marathon it was Snickers she was after. God knows you will be talking about feeding Chloe, Mr Dog rather than Cesar next!
Wait a minute..... Let me google that.....
Ah the good old days, when i used to run marathons.
You know it better than Lisa, and she's lived here all her life. I've spent the past ten minutes trying to explain to her where it is.
After those Chris & Pui tickets, we can no longer afford a washing machine. She'll be wearing that dress all week.
She's living on twenty-year-old tins of Kit-e-Kat. I prefer them without the 'e'.
That's what my colleague said after he'd pocketed my tenner.
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