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Friday, April 08, 2011

Since attending Psychic Sally's professional guessing game at the Brighton Theatre Royal in January, I've been getting regular e-mails from the theatre inviting me to buy tickets for productions of a similar high quality. I never asked for them, so it's fitting that they're advertising shows like Spamalot.

In the past week, however, I've received two e-mails which make my membership of the mailing list truly worthwhile. The first featured this remarkable publicity shot of Colin Fry, the psychic Widow Twankey to Sally Morgan's chocolate Buttons...

Colin Fry
I've always said he must have contempt for his audience, and I think that expression proves it.

The second e-mail arrived yesterday, and was even better than the first. I haven't tinkered with it at all - this is exactly what it said...

Gardners Question Time
It's nice of them to call me a British institution, but with tickets costing twenty-five quid, I'd better come up with some answers.


Peter Chapman said...

I thought Gardner's question time was going a be a free summer event in the form of a picnic where all fans are invited along 8-)

jon the bassist said...

Your on a live tour in December?
I suspect there will be thousands of retinal screamers and girls throwing their spectacles on stage.

Phil said...

There'll be no girls throwing spectacles - glasses aren't allowed in the auditorium. Only plastic cups.

And I prefer the local Harvester to a picnic.  :-P

Dave said...

It could be worse.  They could wait for you to die, and then truck your corpse around the country.  That would be Gardner: the Dead Tour.

jon the bassist said...

I presume you mean contact lenses when you say plastic cups?