"Hey Phil,
Congratulations! As a result of your recent donation you are now eligible for the following rewards:
* £25 Free Byron Hamburger Offer - Thanks to our friends at Byron you are now entitled to one FREE hamburger per day at any BYRON restaurant between 3-6pm only, from 7th November to 20th November 2011 inclusive. Visit your Mo Space Rewards page to claim the offer."
Fourteen free hamburgers from Byron?? Good lord. It's pure poetry. And all I had to do was don juan moustache for a month.
Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed on Byron, so I looked them up on the internet, and discovered that all eighteen of their restaurants are in London. Which is not ideal for someone living in Brighton. I might go and camp at St Paul's for a fortnight just to make use of the offer.
Anyhoo, the forty-five pounds I've raised so far for male cancer research is obviously vital for the future health of our nation, but I can't help wondering if it might have been better spent on ninety votes for Amelie in the Argus Cute Kids competition. When Lisa took her for the free photo shoot at Churchill Square a few weeks ago, she decided to order a copy of one of the pictures they took, and having waited patiently for her handsome prints to come, she received a package in yesterday's post...

If that's not worth a few votes from the public, I don't know what is.
Do her public get to see that one? Incidentally, my mobile company charges me 60p a vote, so I wont be doing it very often!
But I like the moustache so far!
60p?! But I'm sure she's worth every penny!
Adorable photo, Phil - of Amelie, that is. I'm afraid you have a dirty mark around your mouth, have you been eating chocolate?
I think the Homer Simpson look is good. Thats you, not Amelie!
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