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Thursday, December 15, 2011

I received two early Christmas presents today. The first was a bespoke, hand-decorated festive box which Amelie made for me at her playgroup Christmas party...

Christmas Box
And the second was a stinking cold, given to me by Lisa. That's not holly on the box, it's snot.


Phil's Mum said...

You and Lisa may as well go to one of those centres where they PAY you to catch a cold.

A Passer-by said...

We need to know the size of the box, and therefore the size of green "decorations" before we can decide how bad your cold is!

Phil's Dad said...

And what was IN the box?  Kleenex Tissues? - or some food for bears and tigers?

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely box, though.  

Dave said...

At least, as you've caught it from Lisa, you know it's only a cold, and not something serious, like manflu.