Anyhoo, Lisa's out this afternoon meeting a friend, and her Mum has kindly offered to mind Amelie for a couple of hours so that I can get on with a few important jobs. Like writing this blog post. She's in a good mood at the moment because she's had a couple of winners on the horses, so she's convinced she'd riding a wave of good fortune and is destined to scoop the triple rollover on the lottery tonight. I'm accepting any generous offers of childcare while I can, because by the time the draw takes place, she'll either be crushed by disappointment, or on the next plane to the Bahamas.
So having driven Lisa to Shoreham this afternoon, I headed straight to the nearest non-charitable emporium of high quality Christmas merchandise, and bought Amelie a new duvet set...

It cost more than all her charity shop presents combined, but her bedroom's like a pig sty, so it seemed quite appropriate.
For a moment I thought that WAS her bedroom - but, no, of course not! She'll love it though.
I assumed it was her bedroom, and felt you were going a bit overboard on the pink.
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