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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lisa and I are on a break at the moment. Well, Lisa's on a break. From Amelie. For a day. It's been a tough week for Lisa. Not only has she been tirelessly spreading her germs around, but her mother refused to see her on Tuesday on the grounds that it was too windy. In addition to that, Amelie's dictionary is currently missing the word 'reasonable', and she'd test the patience of a Saint Bernard. Frankly, even I wouldn't rescue her from the snow.

So I've decided to give Lisa a break by taking Amelie off her hands for twenty-four hours. Obviously when you're on a break, you're allowed to see other people, so I'm taking her to visit her grandparents. It's actually my Mum's birthday. As of today, she's passed the Bible's official projection of longevity, so every day's a bonus, and she's lucky to be alive. Although she might not think so once Amelie starts playing up.

We're currently wrapping her present (I'm typing this while I wait for Am to come back with the sellotape), and in addition to the one we spent good money on, Amelie has just informed me that she'd like to wrap up one of her toys to give to her Grandma. She's chosen a small cuddly doll I bought her from a charity shop. It might seem like a selfless act of love, but in reality she's never liked it.


Dave said...

Happy Birthday Mrs G.

Phil's Mum said...

Thanks, Dave.

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Phil's Mum. Hope you had a good day.