The problem for Toby is that as a Gardner male, he's inherited the gene that makes us look fat in photos...
In reality we're all stick thin, lean and muscular, but whip out a camera and we instantly put on three stone. I think he looks like my Dad in that photo...
It's all in the cheeks. And the high forehead.
As it happens, it's my parents' wedding anniversary today, so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both. This time last year, we surprised them with an all-expenses-paid fine dining experience, and a professionally printed photobook of their lives. This year, the surprise was much greater. For us at least. We only remembered it an hour ago.
It's particularly annoying because my parents' anniversary comes exactly one week after my own, so it should be easy to remember. And it is. But only for about twenty-four hours. It was fresh in my mind last Sunday when we accepted some free babysitting from my parents so that Lisa and I could go out for a meal, and I resolved at the time to return the favour by getting them a cheap card. It seemed like the least I could do. So having finally been released from court last Monday, I got the bus along to Churchill Square and bought two anniversary cards. I then congratulated myself on remembering the date. Before promptly forgetting it again.
It was just after 2 o'clock this afternoon, as Lisa got Amelie ready for her swimming lesson, and I sat here telling Toby how much he looks like his Grandad (chubby and asleep on the sofa), that I remembered what today is, and realised with horror that I'd never sent the cards.
But whilst I might have the memory of a goldfish, I also have access to a scanner. So in the immortal words of Jim Bowen, look at what you could have won...
That one's from Amelie and Toby, and this one's from me and Lisa...
They're supposed to be representative. The kids are cute and well-fed, and the parents are as poor as church mice.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
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VERY appropriate, since we've just been out and spent some money on an anniversary meal. You can save the cost of the stamps now - thank you very much! It's the thought that counts anyway.
And Toby certainly looks more content and less shocked than in previous photos. I think there IS a certain likeness to his Grandad. Lisa will be pleased if Toby sleeps as much as him!
I've just realised -YOU'RE the ones that are as poor as church mice! Put it down to my age!
Happy Anniversary, Phil's mum and dad. If you went on Mr & Mrs now you'd probably win the carriage clock.
What, the very minute (no pun intended!) carriage clock? With our eyesight, we wouldn't be able to see the time on it!
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