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Thursday, December 26, 2013

I think Amelie enjoyed her Christmas dinner...

But not as much as Toby...

To be honest, I've never seen anyone enjoy a Christmas as much as that boy. While Amelie responded to her first gift yesterday morning with the words "This is the worst present I've ever had" (fortunately we blamed that one on Santa), Toby embraced the occasion with the kind of enthusiasm usually reserved for One Direction fans. From the moment he opened his first gift, he was laughing, shouting, dancing, smiling, and generally having a whale of a time. He even loved the toys inside our Lidl crackers...

Amelie's main present this year was an Innotab 3, which is essentially a toy iPad for people who can't afford the real thing, and don't have the blind luck to win one in a competition. We only feature in one of those categories, but we felt that if we gave Amelie an Innotab, it would free up the iPad for more productive uses. Namely, Candy Crush and Netflix. I spent Christmas Day afternoon loading up the Innotab with music, so that Amelie can use it as an MP3 player, and in return, she exploited its video capabilities by making a film of me looking bloated on the sofa.

As for our Christmas dinner, that was a case of Heston Blumenthal, eat your heart out. Which is the kind of thing he'd do. The meal was an an unremitting triumph from start to finish. The start being about 4:15pm, and the finish being three hours later when we finally managed to drag Toby away from the table and stop him licking all the bowls. Amelie might have claimed that she didn't like any of it, but Toby not only cleared his plate, he cleared the table, and was still going strong after his seventeenth helping. He's a boy after my own heart.

By the time Lisa and I settled down to watch 'Michael Jackson: This Is It' with a bowl of plum pudding and custard, Amelie had been asleep for two hours, I'd wanted to be asleep for three hours, and Toby was still partying hard in the bedroom. He might have been a dream all day, but he was a nightmare for most of the night. I'm not sure if it was the excitement of Christmas or the fifteen roast potatoes, but he was still raving in the early hours.

So despite not having touched a drop of alcohol, we all look a bit punch-drunk on Boxing Day. But like all the best party animals, we're always up for more. So we're off to my parents' house now to do it all again. I'm hoping to hit twenty stone by Saturday.