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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Give me a ring. Again.I'm getting a slight sense of deja vu here...

But anyhoo, today is the first major present-buying day since Christmas, so I've asked Lisa to marry me. Again. Following the modern trend of down-sizing, I've gone from a half-carat diamond to a quarter-carat diamond, so if she loses this one, she'll be getting a splinter of glass for Easter. Oh, and before anyone asks, yes, I have bought a smaller size this time around. Frankly that ring's not coming off without a pair of pliers and a trip to casualty. I think it's already cutting off the blood supply to her finger.

Derren doAs previously stated, Lisa bought me the gift on the right, which I'll be taking delivery of on March 26th. Her gift to me today was to lay a bottle of milk on its side in my fridge and let it leak all over my paté. That was a good start to the morning. But she hasn't changed her mind about marrying me in the last two months, so I can forgive her anything.

She's also learnt a lot from last year when I received a card so hot-off-the-press that I could taste the envelope gum when she kissed me. This year was very different. She still wrote the card at 7am, but she waited half an hour before giving it to me. Presumably to see how I'd react to the milk situation, and check that we still had a relationship.

It was a card worth waiting for though...

Rabbiting on.
I couldn't have put it better myself.