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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I knew my dogged pursuit of the truth would pay off in the end. Just two days after appealing to the public for help with some unsolved crimes against popular music, I've received this witness statement from a lady called Denise:

"Hi Phil,
The songs that the dog is singing are B-I-N-G-O and It's a Small World. I guess the toy was designed for the American market. I remember learning B-I-N-G-O in kindergarten and the other song is from the Disneyland ride of the same name. I have no idea what the cat is singing. Happy Holidays to you and your lovely family! I enjoy your blog!"

I don't know where Denise is from, but I'm guessing it's not Wales.

Anyhoo, I did get a shout of Bingo last Sunday, but it's nice to have the song confirmed by someone who doesn't keep trying to sing it to the tune of D-I-S-C-O (I'm looking at you there, Lisa). As for the dog's final number, I've examined the documentary evidence, and bingo, she's got it. We were clearly barking up the wrong tree with Mary's Boy Child.

It's particularly embarrassing because Lisa tells me she's actually been on that ride. Obviously that was before she met me. Never mind Disneyland, she's lucky if I take her to Asda.

So there you have it: It's a Small World. Which is quite appropriate when a stranger e-mails all the way from the USA just to solve your singing dog problems. So thanks Denise. And Happy Holidays to you too.

As for last night's pharmacy Christmas do at the Hanover pub, that passed without incident. Which is a shame because it means I have nothing to write about. I suppose when you spend all day working with drugs, you don't want to spend your free time under the influence. Frankly I've seen more drunken behaviour at an AA meeting.