Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “Phil, that’s not from Jim Kitson. It’s from a bloke called Frank”. But trust me, it’s got Jim’s fingerprints all over it. Literally. I’m not sure why he’s now calling himself Frank Finighan, but I suspect it stems from a great love for Richard & Judy.
Anyhoo, I’ve been playing the album for a week now, and very good it is too. In fact, you should probably head over to Jim’s MySpace page and add him as a friend before he becomes too famous. But the really interesting thing is Amelie’s reaction to the album. Obviously if you were going to attempt to breed a master race of Senators fans, you’d start with an unholy union between me and Lisa. And sure enough, Amelie seems genetically programmed to like Jim’s music.
We only have to put on the new album, and she starts swaying with her arms in the air like a Bay City Rollers fan. She also seems to have invented a new dance craze which basically involves staggering about like a zombie and then spinning around with her arms out behind her like wings. I’m calling it The Aeroplane Dance. Look out for it in the clubs of Ibiza this summer.
But the startling bit is how she reacts when the song finishes. Not only does she applaud instantaneously (we’ve brought her up to be polite), but she then tells us off for stopping the music...
I love the way she gets straight back into the groove when the next song starts though.
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