Speaking as someone who has to bribe himself with bagels before he can write more than three lines, I was particularly pleased when she announced one week that before starting work on a novel she buys herself an expensive gift, then tells a friend to look after it and not let her have it until the book is finished. Without those tactics, she said, she'd never write anything. I know the feeling.
So it turns out she died last month at the age of 59. Which is really quite sad.
But on a brighter note, with less than three weeks to go until Lisa's birthday I've stumbled across the perfect gift. She may not know it yet, but Lisa will be ripping open the wrapping on the 25th to find her very own DYKEdoll - the world's first ever lesbian action figure. Every home should have one.

They come in a range of styles to suit all tastes. But a word of warning: don't click on the section marked 'Add Ons'. Trust me, you don't want to know. Although I must admit, you have to admire the craftsmanship.
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