I thought I was skating on thin ice by asking him for a photo, but he didn't seem to mind. I regret not bothering to shave though.
As bizarre as it may sound, Robin Cousins wasn't actually an official part of yesterday's RSPCA Open Day - we just happened to see him looking around the stalls. He obviously has a lot of time on his hands since the last series of Dancing on Ice finished. To be honest it was Lisa who recognised him. I just took her word for it and went straight in for a photo. He seemed like a nice guy anyway, and even shook my hand. Mainly because I refused to let him leave until he did.
To be honest though, it was all downhill from there in the celebrity-spotting stakes. Simon Cowell failed to show, and Nicky Keig-Shevlin (who can pass for a celebrity if you're desperate) didn't seem to be there either. We did bump into Lisa's sister though. Here she is in the sunglasses, with her three lovely children and an elderly relative wrapped in a travel rug...

Hang on a moment... that's no decrepit old lady in a blanket... that's Lisa!
Yes indeed, last year we suffered from sunburn, dehydration and heatstroke; this year it was so cold that Lisa insisted on walking about with my picnic blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She looked like a pensioner with Alzheimers. I only took the thing with us to sit on - I didn't realise she was planning to extend her wardrobe with my lunch accessories. And before you ask, yes, she was wearing it when she took my photo with Robin Cousins. I didn't know where to look. I had to tell him I was her carer. And as for the maternity top she's wearing, that cost me fifty-five quid from Yummy Mummy. It's a shame you can't see it.
Anyhoo, I'm sad to report that the organisers didn't heed my advice from last year, and still felt that people would happily enter a raffle to win a bottle of Head & Shoulders. Admittedly I didn't see anyone trying to flog out-of-date TV guides this year, but we didn't get there until lunchtime, so they might have all been sold.
But amidst the endless bric-a-crap, I did find one charity worth investing in. I was approached by a cute ten-year-old girl with the gift of the gab and the confidence of a reality TV star, who gave me the hard sell and managed to convince me to hand over a pound to enter her tombola. And who was she raising money for? The National Autistic Society. I thought blimey, if those are the kind of the results they get, I'm buying two raffle tickets.
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