But hey, if I hadn't been forced to get up an hour earlier than anticipated, I wouldn't have seen this sunrise from our balcony...

Let's face it, if you're going to leap out of the kitchen window headfirst, there are worse things to look at on your way down. I reckon Flats Plunge Man was just leaning out to get a better view.
Anyhoo, that might be the most gorgeous sunrise of the year so far, but it's not the prettiest picture on my blog today.

When I got the call from Roald Dahl yesterday afternoon, we were actually visiting Lisa's elderly uncle on the other side of town. He'd spent the morning reminiscing with a box of old photos, and he gave us this one of Lisa, aged three, dressed as a bridesmaid at her cousin's wedding.
I think it proves conclusively who has the dominant genes in this marriage. Frankly I'd recognise that look anywhere. It's Amelie standing in the kitchen, looking at the food cupboard, and saying "What does Ammy want...?"
Yes, a good likeness, except that Amelie would not stand there looking shy and uncertain. She'd be right into the dancing and the wedding cake!
Apparently I did go on the dancefloor and knock another little girl unconscious. It's a bit unfortunate but I'm sure they had a lovely day.
I can't see the dawn from my windows. The houses get in the way.
Thats the trouble with living in the country, Dave.
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