It's actually come all the way from the west country, and was sent to us by the mysterious cider-drinking, combine-harvester-owning (I'm making assumptions there, but I'm sure they're correct), blog-commenting powerhouse that is BS6. I think he got our address from a police report.
Postcards are obviously lovely, particularly the smokin' one shown above, but anyone who saw Amelie on Christmas Day will know that presents are where it's at. So I'm pleased to report that the card was accompanied by not one, but two gift boxes.
The first was a beautiful presentation box from the Luigi Bormioli range of crystal glasses, featuring this impressive description:
"Italian Heritage is evidenced in flawlessly designed crystal. Clarity and inherent quality enhance its beauty. A classic in its own time... only from Luigi Bormioli."
BS6 couldn't have picked a nicer box to repackage a cheap mug and a bag of sweets. To be honest, it's a good job it didn't contain crystal glasses, as Lisa ripped it open like a pitbull with a baby, and almost dropped the contents on the floor. But what we eventually found inside was a card congratulating us on our Insta-Wedding in September and a charming present to match. He'd even ensured that I didn't get my hopes up, by writing 'No Donuts Enclosed' on the box.
The mug features the words 'Dig For Victory', which I took to be a clever play on the word 'gardener', and a brilliantly witty way of congratulating the newlywed Gardners on their victorious marriage.
Until I opened the second box and found that he'd sent it to us by mistake. He actually meant to give us the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' one. Which is probably more appropriate. The neighbours downstairs hate us enough as it is, without us digging through their ceiling.
Anyhoo, I'd just like to extend our warm gratitude to BS6 for his generous gifts. We're keeping both the mugs, but the sweets are already long gone...

I should point out that the red mark on the side of Amelie's head isn't due to domestic violence. She actually hit her head on a chair. The only mugging is taking place on her lap.
I believe you - thousands wouldn't. Who was wielding the chair at the time?
But congratulations to BS6 for identifying the correct crime scene, of the many in Brighton, to send presents to!
Werte we supposed to send your wedding presents? I thought only guests at the wedding have to do that.
I wasn't present for the accident, but I've questioned Amelie, and she said "Going around and around. Bump my head", so I think I've got a pretty clear picture.
Think of yourself as a virtual guest. And then send us a real present.
Think of yourself as the recepient of a magnificent gift.
Uh oh, I am mentioned in a blog post! I feel like my life has come alive inside my computer screen. And also slightly embarrassed :)
I can tell it is you who has the talent to write these blog posts. I could have got away with that 'Gardener' quip if I'd been quicker. Except you'd need another E to really dig it...
Anyway, as I have a habit of breaking fine italian glass like a soundman for Nick Lowe, at least you got a box you can store things in.
Look forward to future instalments of the blog, and to Dave's present's critique!
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