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Saturday, January 01, 2011

I've always said that the best way to start a new year is to get up, open the curtains, and find that your flat has been cordoned off by the police...

Actually, it's not just our flat. The whole block is currently behind police lines...

Fortunately, I'm a naturally inquisitive person with a thirst for knowledge, so rather than just accepting our newfound residential status as crime scene occupants, and heading off to make a cup of tea, I leaned over the balcony and sweet-talked the two policewomen standing guard below.

Apparently there's been a "major incident" overnight, and they'll be around later to ask us what we heard. I'd better wish everyone a Happy New Year now, because by this time tomorrow, we could be in the witness protection scheme.


Phil's Mum said...

No-one dares comment, in case they incriminate themselves, just by admitting they know you!

Dave said...

I would like to make it clear that I have never heard of you. I wasn't there, and heard nothing.  I was asleep at the time.

Unlike the previous commentator, who has rather blown her case, by calling herself 'Phil's Mum'.

BS6 said...

Following Dave's lead, I will keep my BS6 cloak firmly up, and risk wishing wish you a Happy New Year. 
At least now I'll be able to send your wedding/Christmas present to "The flats with the 'Police do not cross' tapes around, Brighton"  Wonder if I can wrap a present with gloves on...

Phil's Mum said...

You'll probably find there's a few of those around Brighton, BS6!

BS6 said...

Love your comment Phil's Mum!  Makes me realise what a country boy I really am.