I haven't actually responded to Sis's thai-dings of joy, because at the time I was busy driving around Hove, looking for the Vallance Community Centre. It proved a bit of a challenge. To be honest, Ritchie Valens would have been easier to find, and he's dead.
I wouldn't normally have gone driving around town on the busiest shopping day of the year, but when Lisa told me she'd volunteered for some kind of community service (when I say 'volunteered for', I mean 'been sentenced to'), I was naturally keen to give her a lift. With a bit of luck she could have been gone all day. And when she added that it was simply a matter of finding "a big red building" in Sackville Road, I was understandably confident of being home for the end of The Railway Children.
Well it's a good job I've seen it before, otherwise I'd have no idea how it finishes. Sackville Road, it turns out, has nothing but red brick buildings, is about a mile long, and is currently gridlocked by Christmas shoppers. At one end is Vallance Road. We found that with no trouble at all. Unfortunately, Vallance Community Centre is about as far from Vallance Road as it's possible to get without leaving Sussex, and is situated in the only non-red building in the street. I was home in just under an hour.

"whoever set it up".
Clearly my master plan to remain anonymous by placing my name on all twenty-seven pages has worked a treat.
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