By far the best headline though came from the Brighton Argus, who boldly announced the news with these four little words:
Apparently the BBC job is just a footnote to his career.
Coincidentally, I received an e-mail from The Argus yesterday asking me to "spread the word" about my new blog there. They're probably hoping word will reach the Middle East and I'll be kidnapped for a few months.
Personally I'm more worried about the mysterious disappearance of the sun, which seems to have been missing in action for the past two weeks without so much as a BBC campaign. I could do with a bit less rain, as I'm hoping to attend an event tonight called the Stanmer Night Life Thriller (I sense they may be building it up too much with that title). It's a late-night walk around a park, during which "we hunt for moths, bats and glow woarms wich aren't at all scarey really".
I'm going along to help them with their spelling.
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