('merrily on high', not 'the witch is dead')
Well, for those of you without calendars, it's Christmas Day. Hurrah! And a very merry Crizmus to one and all. I've already started celebrating by opening a bottle of Marks & Spencers Mulled Whine, sorry I mean wine, which went particularly well when I bored through the metal cap with my corkscrew. Honestly, they should put some kind of warning on the bottle if they're going to hide a screw top under the pretty festive wrapping where the cork should be.
But not one to waste a photo opportunity, I took a picture of it with my new camera, and turned it into a piece of monochrome pop-art, in an effort to keep up with the Joneses. Well, the Crashes.

I've already pulled a cracker this year - May 29th to be precise (I can't believe I just used that line), but there are still mince pies to be scoffed, and Santa hats to be worn, so I'm off to my parents for some free food, and to brace myself for the reaction to the plastic novelty tat I bought in Brighton at the end of October.
Abi Titmuss everyone, and a prosperous new year.
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