It's a bear on a pudding. A festive combination which just isn't seen often enough in my opinion.
But I have no time to wax lyrical about ursine desserts - I've just received a text message announcing the arrival of my sister at my parents' house. And seeing as she's flown all the way from Texas, I probably ought to make the effort to drive 15 miles to see her.
After I've finished watching the Big Brother Pantomime, that is.
Victor, who told us in the last series that "they call me the milkman, because I deliver", has just announced that "they call me the baker, because I make bread". Which is interesting, because milk and bread were the two items he asked for in the diary room. After announcing he was a rapper slash part-time hitman. In his dressing gown.
I'm just waiting for "they call me the farmer, because I talk bullsh*t".
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