Is it just me, or is there something inherently funny about Google's ads catering specifically to the victims of nun abuse?
Ok, it's just me then.
But I clicked on the ad anyway, and it led me here. Which really is funny. Not the content of the site, obviously, (and I for one stand shoulder to shoulder here with my nun-abused brothers and sisters in an unflinching display of solidarity), (sorry about the insensitive use of the word 'sisters' there), but simply the fact that a website called Abusebynuns.com actually exists.
I realise I'm digging myself into a hole of bad taste here, so I'll stop. But I must say I like the way their logo resembles a nun in the crosshairs of a sniper's rifle. Or maybe that's just my imagination.

No... I don't think it is.
I'll go and brace myself for another batch of hate mail...
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