The Dordogne

Keen to keep my promise of only staying in 'modern' hotels, I had grudgingly booked a room at the 'Best Western' in Sarlat, a beautiful medieval town in the heart of the Dordogne. And I was pleasantly surprised - it was the best Best Western I have ever seen...

After another day of sunbathing, we hit the town for some medieval photo-age...

... followed by dinner in the square...

I have gradually learnt that the French do not cater particularly well for La Vegetarienne, and having had my fill of mushroom omelettes, I decided to branch out and try une salade. I have impressed myself with how much of my GCSE French has come flooding back this week, so I confidently told P1 that I was going to have the horse cheese salad. Amidst laughter, he pointed out that 'chevre' actually means 'goat'. That made it slightly more appetising.
The next morning, we awoke and I checked out our next destination: two nights near Payrac for a French wedding. This was the one booking we had made in advance, but as I dug out the confirmation from the depths of my suitcase, and told my travelling companion that we were staying in another 11th Century chateau, P1 was stony-faced...

So I proceeded to reiterate every ghost story in my repetoire.
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