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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Having put my best foot forward on Sunday and marched Amelie into town with the sole purpose of trying on shoes, I forgot to mention the outcome. Obviously the little ankle-biter was in a difficult mood, but I managed to put my foot down and force her to toe the line, and the result was that we rebooted her with these...

Booted Out
They cost thirty quid, but fortunately I'm well-heeled.

Clarks call them 'Alana Fay Inf' (so I'm hoping the 'Inf' isn't short for 'Inferior') and they feature flowers, butterflies and love hearts. So I don't think they do them for boys. It's one of the few shoes they stock with an 'H' width fitting for children with elephant feet. But more importantly for a girl who loves sausages, they're lined with pigskin. As is most of her food.

And if you're wondering what they look like on, then wonder no more...

Well, maybe wonder a bit more. I don't think she wants to be seen wearing them in public.


Phil's Mum said...

Hopefully, Clarks will refund the cost of the shoes, in return for the free advert!

Dave said...

Oh dear.  All those foot-related puns.  Have you no sole?

Lisa said...

<p>I hope those boots aren't just made for walking. She prefers running. 