Vienna, Austria

Vienna - the land of opera and culture. So what better place to be reunited with an old friend I knew from Texas...

P2 was his name. (I filtered my road trip partners by only choosing those whose names begin with P). Having rendezvoused successfully, we headed straight 'downtown', where P2 did his best as a tour guide.

Unfortunately he's only lived in Vienna for six weeks and doesn't yet know any Austrian (a variation on German), so I had to forgive him for not knowing all the answers to my questions. But he did know where to get the best ice cream and he'd also made friends with a Viennese opera singer (he doesn't waste any time) so could give me all the inside info on the Opera House. I discovered that there's 'free opera' on a screen outside for those who are too poor, too uncultured or too interested in ice cream to spend a whole evening at the opera...

I fall into at least two of those categories.
So after waltzing around a few Viennese landmarks...

... we had a lovely dinner in town, before catching the bus back and going our separate ways. The next morning, I ran (literally) around Schonbrunn Palace...

... before hitting the road towards Salzburg.
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