In other BGT news, yesterday's blog post prompted an interesting and intellectually stimulating debate between Lisa and myself on the relative difficulty of various celebrity impressions. Whilst in bed last night, Lisa stated her view that Les Gibson's rendition of Ross Kemp was remarkably good. A fact I conceded, before adding the caveat that frankly anyone can do Ross Kemp. Two minutes later she was arguing that mine sounded more like Loyd Grossman, I was giving her my Windsor Davies, and she was doing an impression of my sister. It's a miracle we ever got any sleep.
Anyhoo, I know I promised (or should that be threatened?) to finish my account of the Britain's Got Talent live tour today, but after a morning spent rushing a pregnant woman to hospital (sadly not Lisa), and an afternoon working late in Lewes, I'm not sure I've got the energy left to explain this...

Suffice it to say that by that stage of the show, the entertainment was on its knees.
And how do you rush someone to hospital when you're already there?
(Sorry - I'll shut up now, in case Dave's hanging about in the wings.)
I didn't say I rushed them very far.
Frankly, anyone can do Loyd Grossman.
You'll have to post a video of Lisa doing an impression of your sister! Does she hold her arms out and run round the room making the noise of an aeroplane, or just lean forward as with a bad back?
Oooh. My joke's gone viral.
That must have been really cold on stage, is that a single bar electric fire at the back?
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