They can start with the one on the left. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and his was Alan Sugar, so frankly he gets the red buzzer from me.
But all things considered, the Britain's Got Talent show was pretty good last night. Admittedly, the well of talent in this country has probably been dredged a few times too many, and I'm not sure we've got bucketloads of ability left untapped, but there's still enough underground talent to quench my thirst for entertainment.

Things picked up a little with Billy Elliot tribute act, James Hobley, but whilst he's probably the most talented performer in the line-up, his gymnastic ballet dancing still leaves me a bit cold. It's like something you'd see at a school parents' evening. Albeit a school for the amazingly gifted.
Where talent and entertainment do combine for me, however, is with ebony ivory-tinkler, Paul Gbegbaje...
It's like Big Sis has blacked up and shaved all her hair off. I haven't seen a more entertaining pianist since she bought the sheet music for Fraggle Rock in 1987. Which reminds me, I really need to give her a call. I'll have to finish this tomorrow...
Be warned, Dave, and don't tune in tomorrow!
I reckon that this Paul pianists fellow is a really good and a genuine find for BGT. Unlike many who rely on fireworks and herds of dancers he seems to want to show his real musical talent, although I note from the pic above that even he isn't beyond using the Batman spotlights when he needs a little help.
Is there a YouTube clip of Big Sis performing?
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